Here is how your pop-up looks when open with the back. None of your MOTM module PCBs are exposed or visible (that’s my power supply at the bottom). Of course, the final product will be black.

Here it is, folded flat for transport. The back does not interfere with, or require any modification of the SKB pop-up case. You attach it, and forget it.

The SKB case has inside tabs to hold the frame when folded. This back has cutouts that match these tabs for trouble free operation.

Mounting the back is easy. In fact, you use the standard hardware supplied with the SKB case. Then the back can be easily removed in 1 minute without removing modules. Or, you can get longer screws and put nuts on the back. Holes are provided for either.

No room is lost inside for your MOTM. The back takes up less than 1/16 inch of your inside space.

The SKB back is shown with an optional top. Here you can see that attaching the top is easy. The holes are perfectly sized for a # 6 sheet metal screw (supplied with each top) The only tool you will need is a screwdriver. The tops can also be used to close the bottom if you choose.

Here’s the view from the back. Sure it’s not as cool looking as all those beautiful MOTM PCBs. But, you can sure feel safe with the extra protection.