Joseph Casbarian�s Corner � New 03/06/02
As I began collecting my precious MOTM modules, I wondered how I might house
them. I knew I wanted something like a Moog 55 cabinet, but I wasn�t sure where I�d
put the beast. The most important issue for me was that it had to accessible. I came
up with the idea to build both the keyboard stand and cabinet, so that there would be
uniformity about the whole piece.
Here are some pictures of my recently built MOTM. All wood is � inch oak veneered
plywood, held together with Kreg pocket holes. That made the process very easy for
a non-carpenter, with few tools available. I used 16 of Larry�s flat rails to mount the
modules onto.
Let me note that not all of the modules and keyboards are mine L . Tom Farrand, my
MOTM neighbor and electronic mentor, lent me his Alesis keyboard and 22U of MOTM
for the photos. I plan to put a simple Fatar 760 controller up there when I can. The 22U
of modules should be filled in time, plus there�s a plan for a single row 24U cabinet at
the top. The small box on the very top is for my Encore Expressionist. It�s got a
breakout panel that includes LED indicators for each jack.
Larry Hendry writes: Thanks for sharing these photos of your beautiful cabinet Joseph.
Joseph can be reached at