DSS-1 Copy QM instruction page
If you own a DSS-1 you
need to know about Copy QM. No ifs, ands, or buts. This is
the single most useful utility available for ANY DSS-1 user as it gives you a great way
to back up all of your great DSS-1 disks to your PC and / or CDR. And, you can also
share disk files with other DSS-1 users.
I recently helped Tony get started with CopyQM. He didn’t need much help, just some
of the tips and tricks. Tony was kind enough to write these Copy QM instructions you
find below. It is difficult the first time, but after you have done it once or twice, it seems
OK, Here is what Tony wrote (I have done a little editing to add value):
OK LARRY and other DSS1 -heads :
We all know and love our beloved sampling dinosaur, and can't seem to get
rid of it ! For that reason we need to COPY DSS-1 Sound library disks for ONE
ANOTHER and share our sounds.
The software Utility " CopyQM " is the only proven way to do this procedure
WITHOUT resorting to trading diskettes like baseball cards.
OK: here goes
FIRST : LOCATE AND DOWNLOAD " CopyQM " from an available WEB SITE
Or just get it here
Once you have CopyQM downloaded, and stored on your hard drive (we will
designate that DRIVE C), you must UNZIP the file using WINZIP (go to
winzip.com and download it for free)
UNZIP CopyQM and put it into a convenient folder on you C drive.
Cary Roberts DSS-1 disk image page and check out the available
sound libraries, Especially Larry Hendry's as he has posted a library of the more
unusual and rare sounds. keep in mind , NOBODY has any DSS-1 stuff for sale ,
unless they are a pawn shop or second hand dealer.
Once you have downloaded a sample library, store them in a convenient folder
on your C drive , and lable the folder " samples" , or whatever you like.
Unzip all of the disk images individually one by one with WINZIP and store
the resulting .DSK file in another folder, labling that folder "unzipped samples"
( you may choose to call this folder anything you like as long as you rememeber
it and it's contents )
Each resulting UNZIP procedure shall result in creating 2 different files :
you really don't need the text file, but the file with extension .DSK is the DSS-1
disk image file.
Larry has labled all the inividual UNZIPPED sounds with a SAC prefix and the
subsequent sound file in DSS- format with a two letter prefix :
EXAMPLE : NC.DSK is the sax/brass/flute sounds
ND.DSK is the guitar / bass/ synth sounds
Once you have you library UNZIPPED, you are ready to USE CopyQM. ( which is
now on on your C drive in it's own folder , in UNZIPPED form )
Some folks like to take a BLANK 3.5" diskette at this time , format it and
using Windows Explorer, copy " CopyQM " to their 3.5" floppy diskette.
This is a good idea, as you may need additional copies.
It is IPERATIVE ( most important ) to posses a sufficient quantity of BLANK
3.5" diskettes for use with CopyQM and your Korg DSS-1. They MUST BE
ONLY unformatted 1Mb DSDD diskettes. DSHD high density will not work.
Also they MUST NOT HAVE ANY FORMAT whether PC or MAC .
This is CRUCIAL, as you will waste time with any other 3.5" media.
Unformatted DSDD disks are available from MEI Microcenter www.
mei-microcenter .com , part # 700302 they cost as low as 16 cents
each. Buy a lot.
Assuming you have a successful download and unzipped CopyQM on you hard
drive (or 3.5 " diskette made from your hard drive ) you are ready to begin.
Open the CopyQM folder thus acessing the files COPYQM INSTALL
WINDOWS 95 or 98 wil have a blue / white box folder icon for each of these.
They are also accesible through MS dos as .exe files if you choose to go
that route. FOR NOW we will use the easy route of COPYQM MENU
OPEN COPYQM MENU by double clicking left mouse on the icon.
You will get a blue screen , with a number of setting options:
START WITH THE FIRST SETTING , and use the enter button to select the toggle
for it's options. You may , using the arrow on your keyboard, move the cursor
and change the first setting to " COPY FROM IMAGE FILE "
the following are the other setting options you must engage:
3. A:
4. no
5. NO checking
6. no conversion
7. After diskettes
when complete , press F10 to start COPYQM
THE SCREEN should now change to large SYSEX letters, an antiquated
looking front page and then to a prompt question : ENTER NAME OF
IMAGE FILE or ESC to quit.
What you must do now is tell COPYQM where your files are located so
that it can read them..
Do this by entering the following path designation
C:\ windows\ desktop\ unzipped samples\ ( letters.DSK)
Remember you have to tell COPYQM exactly where you have store your
unzipped disk image files .DSK !!
So, assuming COPYQM found your file , it will read the file off your
hard drive and store it in RAM. It will give a beep when done.
After it has read and stored the image, it will ask for a blank diskette.
Insert your blank unformatted disk in the 3.5" disk bay.
COPYQM will check the disk, and assuming you bought the correct type
( DS DD unformatted ) , begin writing the image file in Korg format onto
the 3.5" disk.
You will see a percentage indicator , and it will progress through the write
procedure until completed ( usually 3 minutes , depending on complexity of
the sound )
It will then beep, completed . Remove your finished disk lable it and try it
out on you ever-patient Korg.
If it does not completely load, or indicates a problem, check your DSS1
drive, and or your computer's 3.5 drive. There may be an alignment problem,
which means you must try the whole procedure on another PC drive.
You may then repeat the procedure for the remaining .DSK files.
OK for those of you who like MS DOS
It does not want to work.
Instead, minimize your COPYQM folder and go to START > MS DOS prompt
You will have a black screen with a C: and flashing cursor
Enter C: cd COPYQM
This changes you into the COPYQM folder in MS dos
Enter dir
You should get the previously listed files stored in your COPYQM folder
Enter COPYQM.EXE A: PLAYBACK=C:\windows\desktop\unzipped\
(letters).dsk BLIND BIOS
This starts copyqm reading your C drive files and starts the same above
writing procedure.
Hopefully this will be succesful, shake hands with your computer and synth,
Sit down have a beer and a smoke and RELAX
Thanks for the tips Tony. Check out Tony’s music at:
Larry Hendry
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