822 and 831 PCB availability – updated 4/30/04

As of 03/01/04, all 822 and 831 PCBs are SOLD OUT. I will not be reproducing either one of these PCBs.

The project pages will remain up at my website to support the existing 831 & 822
users. Only 50 of the 831 PCBs were produced. So, if you purchased one, you have
1-of-50 of a limited production run. The 822 PCB has been more popular with users.
However, I have stopped production of the 822 PCBs at 150 units. If you absolutely
must build a 831 or 822, I have complete plans to build the 831 or 822 interval switcher
on MOTM protoboard. See photo here
831 prototype.jpg and here 822 prototype.jpg.
You can contact me for a paper layout for the protoboard. Trimmer part numbers

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